Leon Overweel


Along with a team from W.I.S.V ‘Christiaan Huygens’, I co-founded and organized the first edition of HackDelft, TU Delft's hackathon. The hackathon happened during the weekend of May 13th and 14th, 2017, and continues to happen around that time every year (see the sites for 2018 and 2019).

My official responsibilities as “Chief Hacker Experience” included organizing the jury, keynote speaker, the @HackDelft twitter account, and of course being part of running the weekend itself. But since this was the first edition, we all ended up doing a little bit of everything.

HackDelft was super fun to organize, and I'm really proud of both the event we put together and the template we left for later years. You can check out the HackDelft 2017 site) for more info and some photos.