Leon Overweel
Hi, I'm Leon! I'm a machine learning engineer at Dexter Energy, working on forecasting renewable (solar/wind) electricity generation. Previously I was at Plumerai, researching binarized neural networks and working on Larq. Before that, I studied computer science at TU Delft (BSc) and artificial intelligence at the University of Edinburgh (MSc).
Use the links below to contact me in English or Dutch, or check out the rest of this site for my current projects, past projects, skills, and photography.

Current Projects ✨
Here's what I'm working on, mostly in the form of side projects.

Dynamically Typed is my bi-weekly newsletter. Delivered every second Sunday, it features my thoughts and links on productized artificial intelligence, machine learning research, and AI for the climate crisis.

Weekly.Cool is a subscription service that helps you never miss the best content from your favorite subreddits ever again. For just $5 per year, you get a beautifully-formatted email digest of the week's top posts from your favorite subreddit.
Past Projects ⏳
These are some projects I've done in the past, that are either finished or no longer active. There are 1 projects, which broadly fall into categories like Web, Robot, Machine learning, Video, Hackathon, and Rowing.
- Reinforcement Learning Soccer BotsMachine learningImplemented and tuned eight different reinforcement learning algorithms to play a simple soccer game.
- Reinforcement Learning for Text GamesMachine learningExperimented with several approaches to encourage exploration for a reinforcement learning agent trained to play text-based games in the TextWorld environment.
- Neural Machine Translation with Lexical ModelMachine learningAnalyzed a neural machine translation architecture, and implemented and evaluated a lexical model on top of it.
- Exploration of Convolutional Neural Network ArchitecturesMachine learningImplemented convolutional and max-pooling layers of a convolutional neural network and experimented with different network architectures on the EMNIST handwritten character recognition task.
- Modeling Train Commuter Stress for Dutch CitiesWebScraped data about the Dutch rail network to visualize which cities provide the least stressful commute to Amsterdam central station.
- Exploration of Neural Network Learning Algorithms and RegularizationMachine learningImplemented and experimented with different learning rules, learning rate schedules, and regularization techniques to train a convolutional neural network for the EMNIST handwritten character recognition task.
- Ringvaart: Keihard voor KiKaRowingFormed a crew with three friends, learned to row, and rowed the 2018 Ringvaart, a 100-kilometer race in which we raised money for child cancer research.
- HackDelftHackathonI co-founded and organized the first edition of HackDelft, TU Delft's hackathon.
- Dutch Hackathon ListWebCollaboratively building the most comprehensive list of annual hackathons in the Netherlands at hackathonlist.nl
- Hack the NorthHackathonInspired by Twitch Plays Pokemon, my team and I created a little robot car that multiple people could drive around the room with their phones.
- World Port HackathonHackathonMy team 'De Delftse Delegatie' got first place with a prototype for a blockchain-based app to help customs agencies detect smuggling in freight containers.
- OpenDCWebOpenDC is an open-source datacenter simulator which I helped build for @Large Research.
- Intersect.NinjaWebIntersect.Ninja was an open source website that used the Spotify API to find intersections in the artists and tracks different people like, based on their public playlists.
- Assembly Game For TI1406 lab, I made an Assembly game much like Arc Spin, along with a few other cool projects.
- Arc SpinWebArc Spin is a desktop and mobile browser game in which you avoid spinning obstacles and try to score as many points as you can.
- Link SyncerWebLink Syncer was a service to create quick links that will wait to redirect until everyone has clicked the Synced Link.
- Rye High JinxVideoWhat happens when a student and a teacher switch bodies? The 2015 Rye High School senior movie, of course!
- Mugsy WebsiteWebFor my Rye High School senior year internship, I worked with Sean Reilly of Mugsy to build him a new company website.
- Reddit WeeklyWebReddit Weekly was a site that sent customizable, weekly email digests of top posts from subreddits.
- Stop Freebooting NowWebStop Freebooting Now was a tool to help freebooting victims retaliate by documenting and calling out websites and social media pages that steal online creators' original content.
- WykkiWebWykki uses data from Freebase to answer natural language questions, and learns how to answer new question types over time.
- TU Delft InternshipRobotGUI for TU Delft's 3mxl motor board that allows users to graphically edit motor parameters and share defaults across devices using XML files.
- Science Olympiad RobotRobotFor the Robot Arm challenge of our local Science Olympiad, my friend and I built an arm featuring four controllable DOMs.
- Painters on LocationVideoA 2013 Rye Arts Center event for which I made a promo video.
- Lumia RigRobotA remote-controlled LEGO Mindstorms NXT pan and tilt rig for the camera on my phone.
- Flyer RobotRobotFor our annual Science Research symposium, I built a demo robot arm to hand out flyers to the audience.
- AP World Greatest HitsVideoAP World Greatest Hits was the final project my friends and I made for our AP World class in high school. It has over 43,000 views on YouTube.
- FCCYSFVideoFree Creative Commons YouTuve Stock Footage (FCCYSF) was my multi-year project to provide high quality stock footage to low budget filmmakers, for free.
- PriNXTRobotPriNXT was a LEGO Mindstorms NXT plotter robot that can 'print' low-resolution images onto a sheet of paper.
- Skype CarRobotSkype Car was a little robotic car that hundreds of people around the world drove around my room via the web while watching a live video feed of it through Skype.
- Bionic NXTPod 3.0RobotInspired by Festo's Bionic Tripod 3.0, this LEGO Mindstorms NXT robot used four linear actuators to position a grabber on a flexible robot arm.
Skills 🛠
Here are some of the things I have experience with. Each category is sorted by how many projects I've used the skill for, and each skill links to related projects.
Programming languages: Python (15) CSS (8) HTML (8) JavaScript (6) RobotC (4) Assembly (1) C++ (1) Java (1)
Technical tools: Git (11) GitHub (11) Google App Engine (8) LEGO Mindstorms (2) Arduino (1) Blockchain (1) Firebase (1) Flask (1) GitHub Pages (1) Qt (1) Robot Operating System (1)
Machine learning packages: NumPy (6) Matplotlib (5) PyTorch (3) Plotly (1) SciPy (1)
Machine learning models: Convolutional Neural Network (2) Deep Q Network (2) Long Short Term Memory (2)
Web APIs: Reddit (1) Spotify (1)
Creative + video skills: Cinematography (4) Directing (3) Editing (3) Vegas Pro (3) Event Planning (2) Producing (1)
Photography 📸
These are some of my favorite photo's I've taken over the years, mostly on family vacations with my Canon EOS 60D digital SLR.
You can see more of my photos on my Unsplash profile.